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Version: s5


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input AccentAttributeWhereOperators {
_eq: Accent
_ne: Accent
_or: [Accent!]
_like: String
_notLike: String
_startsWith: String
_endsWith: String
_substring: String
_iLike: String
_notILike: String
_regexp: String
_notRegexp: String
_iRegexp: String
_notIRegexp: String


AccentAttributeWhereOperators._eq ● Accent enum

Equals operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._ne ● Accent enum

NotEquals operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._or ● [Accent!] list enum

Or operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._like ● String scalar

Like operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._notLike ● String scalar

NotLike operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._startsWith ● String scalar

StartsWith operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._endsWith ● String scalar

EndsWith operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._substring ● String scalar

Substring operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._iLike ● String scalar

ILike operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._notILike ● String scalar

NotILike operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._regexp ● String scalar

Regexp operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._notRegexp ● String scalar

NotRegexp operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._iRegexp ● String scalar

IRegexp operator

AccentAttributeWhereOperators._notIRegexp ● String scalar

NotIRegexp operator

Member of

CreatorWhere input