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Version: s5


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input AudioMediaWhere {
_and: [AudioMediaWhere!]
_or: [AudioMediaWhere!]
id: UUIDAttributeWhereOperators
language: LanguageAttributeWhereOperators
approximateTime: NumberAttributeWhereOperators
country: CountryArrayAttributeWhereOperators
scriptHTML: StringAttributeWhereOperators
postId: UUIDAttributeWhereOperators
creatorId: UUIDAttributeWhereOperators


AudioMediaWhere._and ● [AudioMediaWhere!] list input

AND operator

AudioMediaWhere._or ● [AudioMediaWhere!] list input

OR operator ● UUIDAttributeWhereOperators input

UUID of audio

AudioMediaWhere.language ● LanguageAttributeWhereOperators input

Language of audio

AudioMediaWhere.approximateTime ● NumberAttributeWhereOperators input

Approximate time to listen to audio ● CountryArrayAttributeWhereOperators input

Specific country audio is produced for

AudioMediaWhere.scriptHTML ● StringAttributeWhereOperators input

Rich text content of audio script given as JSON string of HTML

AudioMediaWhere.postId ● UUIDAttributeWhereOperators input

Post id of audio

AudioMediaWhere.creatorId ● UUIDAttributeWhereOperators input

Creator id of audio

Member of

AudioMediaWhere input