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Version: s5


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input RecipeWhere {
_and: [RecipeWhere!]
_or: [RecipeWhere!]
id: UUIDAttributeWhereOperators
universalTitle: StringAttributeWhereOperators
contentValue: NumberAttributeWhereOperators
category: CategoryArrayAttributeWhereOperators
topic: TopicArrayAttributeWhereOperators
tags: RecipeTagArrayAttributeWhereOperators
calories: NumberAttributeWhereOperators
servings: NumberAttributeWhereOperators
approximateTime: NumberAttributeWhereOperators


RecipeWhere._and ● [RecipeWhere!] list input

AND operator

RecipeWhere._or ● [RecipeWhere!] list input

OR operator ● UUIDAttributeWhereOperators input

UUID of recipe

RecipeWhere.universalTitle ● StringAttributeWhereOperators input

Universal title of recipe

RecipeWhere.contentValue ● NumberAttributeWhereOperators input

Content value of recipe

RecipeWhere.category ● CategoryArrayAttributeWhereOperators input

List of categories recipe is included in

RecipeWhere.topic ● TopicArrayAttributeWhereOperators input

Topic of the recipe

RecipeWhere.tags ● RecipeTagArrayAttributeWhereOperators input

Tags of recipe

RecipeWhere.calories ● NumberAttributeWhereOperators input

Approximate calorie count per serving of prepared food

RecipeWhere.servings ● NumberAttributeWhereOperators input

Expected servings for recipe

RecipeWhere.approximateTime ● NumberAttributeWhereOperators input

Approximate preparation time for recipe given in minutes

Member of

getRecipes query ● RecipeWhere input