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Version: s5


Video closed caption

type Caption {
id: String!
language: Language!
createdAt: DateTimeISO!
updatedAt: DateTimeISO!
deletedAt: DateTimeISO
videoMediaId: String!
videoMedia: VideoMedia!
srt: File!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

UUID of subtitle

Caption.language ● Language! non-null enum

Language of subtitle

Caption.createdAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Creation time given as the ISO Date string

Caption.updatedAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Last update time given as the ISO Date string

Caption.deletedAt ● DateTimeISO scalar

Soft delete time given as the ISO Date string

Caption.videoMediaId ● String! non-null scalar

Video id for subtitle

Caption.videoMedia ● VideoMedia! non-null object

Video for subtitle ● File! non-null object

SRT file for subtitle

Member of

VideoMedia object

Implemented by

FileParentUnion union