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Version: s5


Card (language invariant)

type Card {
id: String!
position: Int!
contentHTML: String
createdAt: DateTimeISO!
updatedAt: DateTimeISO!
deletedAt: DateTimeISO
cardPackDetailsId: String
cardPackDetails: CardPackDetails!
photo: File

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

UUID of card

Card.position ● Int! non-null scalar

Position of card in card pack

Card.contentHTML ● String scalar

Rich text content of card given as JSON string of HTML

Card.createdAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Creation time given as the ISO Date string

Card.updatedAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Last update time given as the ISO Date string

Card.deletedAt ● DateTimeISO scalar

Soft delete time given as the ISO Date string

Card.cardPackDetailsId ● String scalar

Id of card pack details of ingredient list item

Card.cardPackDetails ● CardPackDetails! non-null object

Card pack details list of card ● File object

Photo for card

Member of

CardPackDetails object