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Version: s5



type Creator {
id: String!
name: String!
language: Language!
accent: Accent!
gender: Gender!
bio: String!
createdAt: DateTimeISO!
updatedAt: DateTimeISO!
deletedAt: DateTimeISO
photo: File!
where: ArticleMediaWhere
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [ArticleMedia!]!
where: AudioMediaWhere
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [AudioMedia!]!
where: VideoMediaWhere
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [VideoMedia!]!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

UUID of creator ● String! non-null scalar

Creator's name

Creator.language ● Language! non-null enum

Creator's language

Creator.accent ● Accent! non-null enum

Creator's accent

Creator.gender ● Gender! non-null enum

Creator's gender ● String! non-null scalar

Creator's bio

Creator.createdAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Creation time given as the ISO Date string

Creator.updatedAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Last update time given as the ISO Date string

Creator.deletedAt ● DateTimeISO scalar

Soft delete time given as the ISO Date string ● File! non-null object

Photo of creator

Creator.articles ● [ArticleMedia!]! non-null object

Articles by creator

Creator.articles.where ● ArticleMediaWhere input
Creator.articles.limit ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the maximum number of items returned. Can be used in conjunction with “Offset” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Creator.articles.offset ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the number of items skipped before the first returned result. Can be used in conjunction with “Limit” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Creator.audios ● [AudioMedia!]! non-null object

Audios by creator

Creator.audios.where ● AudioMediaWhere input
Creator.audios.limit ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the maximum number of items returned. Can be used in conjunction with “Offset” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Creator.audios.offset ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the number of items skipped before the first returned result. Can be used in conjunction with “Limit” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Creator.videos ● [VideoMedia!]! non-null object

Videos by creator

Creator.videos.where ● VideoMediaWhere input
Creator.videos.limit ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the maximum number of items returned. Can be used in conjunction with “Offset” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Creator.videos.offset ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the number of items skipped before the first returned result. Can be used in conjunction with “Limit” and “Order” to implement pagination.

Returned by

getCreators query

Member of

ArticleMedia object ● AudioMedia object ● VideoMedia object

Implemented by

FileParentUnion union