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Version: s5


Video media

type VideoMedia {
id: String!
language: Language!
approximateTime: Int!
country: [Country!]!
scriptHTML: String
createdAt: DateTimeISO!
updatedAt: DateTimeISO!
deletedAt: DateTimeISO
postId: String!
post: Post!
creatorId: String!
creator: Creator!
where: DubbWhere
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [Dubb!]!
where: CaptionWhere
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [Caption!]!
photo: File!
landscapeVideo: File!
portraitVideo: File

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

UUID of video

VideoMedia.language ● Language! non-null enum

Language of video

VideoMedia.approximateTime ● Int! non-null scalar

Approximate time to watch video ● [Country!]! non-null enum

Specific country video is produced for

VideoMedia.scriptHTML ● String scalar

Rich text content of audio vidoe given as JSON string of HTML

VideoMedia.createdAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Creation time given as the ISO Date string

VideoMedia.updatedAt ● DateTimeISO! non-null scalar

Last update time given as the ISO Date string

VideoMedia.deletedAt ● DateTimeISO scalar

Soft delete time given as the ISO Date string

VideoMedia.postId ● String! non-null scalar

Post id of video ● Post! non-null object

Post of video

VideoMedia.creatorId ● String! non-null scalar

Creator id of video

VideoMedia.creator ● Creator! non-null object

Creator of video

VideoMedia.dubbing ● [Dubb!]! non-null object

Dubbings of video

VideoMedia.dubbing.where ● DubbWhere input
VideoMedia.dubbing.limit ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the maximum number of items returned. Can be used in conjunction with “Offset” and “Order” to implement pagination.

VideoMedia.dubbing.offset ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the number of items skipped before the first returned result. Can be used in conjunction with “Limit” and “Order” to implement pagination.

VideoMedia.captions ● [Caption!]! non-null object

Subtitles for video

VideoMedia.captions.where ● CaptionWhere input
VideoMedia.captions.limit ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the maximum number of items returned. Can be used in conjunction with “Offset” and “Order” to implement pagination.

VideoMedia.captions.offset ● Int scalar

Corresponds to the number of items skipped before the first returned result. Can be used in conjunction with “Limit” and “Order” to implement pagination. ● File! non-null object

Photo for video

VideoMedia.landscapeVideo ● File! non-null object

Landscape version of video

VideoMedia.portraitVideo ● File object

Portrait version of video

Member of

Caption object ● Creator object ● Dubb object

Implemented by

FileParentUnion union ● MediaUnion union