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Version: v4

Integration strategies


Sanctuary Health gives two models for integrating content, "File" integrations and "API" integrations. Understandably, the exact manner of implementing an "API" integrations affects the required work and customization of the used data.


"File" integrations involve downloading our content from our website and then uploading it manually to your own CMS. If your organization is on a "File" integration simply navigate to the "Your Library" page on the content dashboard and download the content as you wish. After the content has download you can upload it to your CMS.

Instant integration (No code)CMS required
Complete control of all content metadataManual download and upload process whenever content or library is changed
No support realtime for media "white labeling"

This integration strategy is often favored for quick initial integrations


Content should be removed from your CMS first before it is removed from "Your Library" to ensure unlicensed content is never in your CMS


"API" integrations involve - in some manner - using Sanctuary Health's GraphQL API to fetch content. Depending on the level of customization to the data structure and metadata, 3 different approaches can be used each with their own set of Pros and Cons.

Simple or no metadata customization

This involves simple or no adjustments being made to the Sanctuary Health metadata structure to fit the desired metadata structure, without support for content specific changes. Real world examples include: reorganization data structure, renaming categories and merging categories.

This type of integration involves directly pulling content data from the Sanctuary Health API into the product, and adjust the data to the desired structure.

Lightning fast integration (Developer friendly GraphQL API with JSON responses)Limited ability to adjust content structures and metadata
No CMS or Backend required
Realtime content and library updates
Realtime media "white labeling"

Content specific metadata customization

This is the same as the simple or no metadata customization, with the ability to make content specific adjustments to metadata. Real world examples of where this should be used over simple or no metadata customization include: re-categorizing specific content and retitling specific content.

This type of integration involves combining content data from the Sanctuary Health API (adjusted to the desired structure) with data from a self managed backend such that Sanctuary Health fields are overwritten to the values given by the self managed backend.

Fast integration (Developer friendly GraphQL API with JSON responses)Backend required
Customize content specific metadataManual content customization whenever library is changed
Realtime content updates
Realtime media "white labeling"

Self managed

This can be summarized by a completely self managed content system with the Sanctuary Health API periodically queried to ingest data. Real world examples of where this could be used: iteration with an existing fully featured content system.

Fast integration (Developer friendly GraphQL API with JSON responses)Backend required
Full customization of contentManual content customization whenever library is changed
Realtime media "white labeling"

If you are interested in this integration technique please get in contact as we would be interested in feedback relating to a possible webhook solution


Content should be removed from your Backend first before it is removed from "Your Library" to ensure unlicensed content is never in your Backend