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Version: v4


No description

type Episode {
id: String!
title: String!
position: Int!
approximateTime: Int!
description: String!
content: String
contentHTML: String
contentHTMLPreview: String
icd10: [String!]
keywords: [String!]
learningOutcome: String
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
creatorId: String
seriesId: String
creator: Creator!
series: Series!
photoFileDetails: FileDetails!
mediaFileDetailsList: [FileDetails!]!
scriptFileDetails: FileDetails

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

UUID of episode

Episode.title ● String! non-null scalar

Title of episode

Episode.position ● Int! non-null scalar

Position of episode in series episode is included in

Episode.approximateTime ● Int! non-null scalar

Approximate consumption time for episode given in minutes

Episode.description ● String! non-null scalar

Description of episode

Episode.content ● String scalar

Rich text content of episode given as JSON string of raw DraftJs content state

Episode.contentHTML ● String scalar

Rich text content of episode given as JSON string of HTML

Episode.contentHTMLPreview ● String scalar

Rich text preview of content of episode given as JSON string of HTML

Episode.icd10 ● [String!] list scalar

ICD-10 codes for the episode

Episode.keywords ● [String!] list scalar

Keywords for the episode

Episode.learningOutcome ● String scalar

Learning outcome for the episode

Episode.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Creation time given as the ISO Date string

Episode.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Last update time given as the ISO Date string

Episode.deletedAt ● DateTime scalar

Soft delete time given as the ISO Date string

Episode.creatorId ● String scalar

Id of creator of episode

Episode.seriesId ● String scalar

Id of series episode is included in

Episode.creator ● Creator! non-null object

Creator of episode

Episode.series ● Series! non-null object

Series episode is included in

Episode.photoFileDetails ● FileDetails! non-null object

Display photo for episode

Episode.mediaFileDetailsList ● [FileDetails!]! non-null object

Media content for episode

Episode.scriptFileDetails ● FileDetails object

Script content for episode

Returned by

getEpisodes query

Member of

Creator object ● Series object

Implemented by

FileDetailsParentUnion union