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Queries with Arguments


Now that you can write simple queries, lets explore how to use arguments. In GraphQL arguments are very easy to use, simply provide the argument name and value in smooth brackets after declaring the Query to use.

Sequelize Query

The SequelizeQuery argument is very complex with further documentation available at Sequelize Query Info. For the purposes of this example we will only be using the where field. As detailed in the documentation, the where field needs to be provided as a JSON string. For this example lets define the where field such that the id field of the Post must be c4cf717d-a638-49d8-bbcd-fafd2142d284. This should look like:

where: "{\"id\": \"c4cf717d-a638-49d8-bbcd-fafd2142d284\"}"

For logical operations such as greaterThan, like, overlap, etc. please refer to the further documentation for SequelizeQuery available at Sequelize Query Info


When using JSON strings make sure to use escape characters where appropriate

Static arguments

Starting with the exampleOperation from Simple Queries lets specify the sequelizeQuery argument of getPosts such that only c4cf717d-a638-49d8-bbcd-fafd2142d284 is returned as discussed above.

Variable arguments

While static arguments are useful, the real power comes when arguments can be given as variables. This allows you to call the same Operation with different variables to get different results in the same structure.

To achieve this we must define an argument in the Operation that will be supplied by the Variables. Then we must use the Operation Argument to create the Query argument.

Partial passthrough

In this example we will declare an argument on the Operation called where, with with the JSON type. This will match the where field of SequelizeQuery. We will then use this variable inside the SequelizeQuery argument of getPosts. Finally we will make sure to provide a value for our where variable in the variables section.

Full passthrough

In this example we will declare an argument on the Operation called sequelizeQuery with the SequelizeQuery type. This will match the SequelizeQuery argument of getPosts. We will then directly apply this to getPosts. Again we must make sure to provide a value for our sequelizeQuery variable in the variables section.

This allows us with minimal syntax, to expose all functionality (such as limit, offset, etc.) of SequelizeQuery through our operation. Below you can see we have also applied a limit of 1.